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Sun Damage Removal

Most people love to have fun in the sun, but too much sun exposure can significantly damage your skin.  Sun damage can make you look older than you are, and in some cases be dangerous.

The good news is that Dr. James Long offers Sun Damage Removal with chemical peels and ZO systems restorative treatments to reduce the telltale signs of sun damage and get your skin back to looking its best.

Compared with laser skin treatments, these minimally invasive treatments offer a safe, effective and economical alternative that’s tailored to your needs.

Dr. Long can significantly improve your facial skin quality with these therapeutic approaches:

  • TCA Chemical peel.

  • ZO Skin Restoration Transformation Cream Kits.

  • Pharmaceutical Grade Skin maintenance and rejuvenation creams.

TCA chemical peels gives you fast results that require a short 7 days of recovery, skin treatment with the ZO systems have minimal downtime, but require application of product for 12 weeks to achieve the desired results.

These are some of the signs of sun damaged skin that either a TCA chemical peel or ZO Skin Restoration systems improves:

Age spots:

The sun increases melanin production, causing age spots, which can be brown, black or even gray. You may see them on your chest, shoulders, hands, arms, and forehead.

Lines, folds, and wrinkles:

Because the sun breaks down collagen and elastin, fine lines and wrinkles result, especially on the chest and the hands.

Actinic keratosis:

While it’s not known if these larger brown and tan spots are caused by sun exposure, they often appear on areas of the skin that get the most sunlight. Sometimes raised off the skin and having a scaly dry appearance.


Since the sun literally sucks out moisture and natural oils that lubricate the skin, years of repeated sun exposure can leave you looking dehydrated and flaky.

Texture changes:

Constantly exposing your skin to the sun causes it to become rough, thin and irregular because of the depletion of collagen. UV rays can also cause other textural anomalies, as well as skin cancer and pre-cancerous lesions.

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